Nature at a glance

Take a walk in a field of sunflowers , hike up a mountain, run through the woods – go out and breathe the wild air. Nature is the world’s best teacher, explore and enjoy its wonders.

We spend so much lifetime inside and miss the beauty outside. Sitting comfortably and lazily in our living rooms, we watch the adventures and happenings of the outside world. We love the adventures and scenes in which our stars and heroes jump, run, and actually live. Why don’t we take a walk on the wild side ourselves way more often?

Turn off the TV and computer, get outside and find yourself in nature. Jogging through the woods clears a busy head. Shake off the worries and stress of your business day. Give your wife a bunch of flowers that you picked yourself. Spending time in nature, makes you kill two birds with one stone: combining your workout in a beautiful scenery with putting your senses in order.

If you need some inspiration on where to go and what to see – here is my collection of blog pictures that I have posted in the last couple of weeks. It’s a colorful mix and I promise there is so much more to come. But now, I need to go back outside……