Caught on the hop

When was the last time that you just ran through the grass? When was the last time you simply frolicked and horsed around? During the Christmas holidays, do not forget to take time for yourself as well.

Black & White Photo Challenge

Black & White Photo Challenge

Lucile from Bridging Lacunas has challenged me to join the 5 day Black and White Challenge. Today is Day 5 of the B&W challenge. (Honestly, Day 5 would have been yesterday – but the Christmas tree needed some extra time). Anyway, this is my fifth contribution for the Black & White Challenge.

To join the Black & White photo challenge, you must post B&W photography for the next five days. Each day you nominate another photographer to enter the challenge.

As a dedicated photoholic, I am member of Lucile’s Photo101 Rehab – if you like to join as well, here is the link.